Pallet Stacker & Dispenser

Pallet Dispensing Machine

Pallet Stacker & Dispenser Pallet Stacker & Dispenser Pallet Stacker & Dispenser

Pallet Stacker & Dispenser

Material Handling

By: Pallet Master


Express Interest
Product Highlights

Stacking and storing of materials is an arduous and time consuming task. Given the fast paced work environment, manual loading and unloading of pallets  will slow down productivity and may even result in workplace injury.  That is where automatic pallet dispensers come into play. Accurate and fast pace loading and unloading of pallets  are achieved via the pallet dispensers which effectively reduces downtime and enhances the output.  Pallet Master is committed to provide cu...

Stacking and storing of materials is an arduous and time consuming task. Given the fast paced work environment, manual loading and unloading of pallets  will slow down productivity and may even result in workplace injury. 

That is where automatic pallet dispensers come into play. Accurate and fast pace loading and unloading of pallets  are achieved via the pallet dispensers which effectively reduces downtime and enhances the output. 

Pallet Master is committed to provide custom solutions for the effective and secure handling of pallets. They manufacture high-end pallet dispensers that are durable, efficient, designed to meet the different industrial needs ensuring the safe and precise completion of the task.    

Key Features

1) Automatic handling of pallets : Pallet Masters provide automated dispensers which carry out the task of stacking, unstacking and storing of pallets with ease, thereby minimising the potential hazards that can be caused by manual handling.  

2) Compatibility with diverse pallet types: These dispensers are designed to accommodate different pallet types which includes EUR, FIN , CHEP and the like. 

3)High Capacity Dispensers : Pallet Masters provides customized models of pallet dispensers which have a load capacity that ranges between 16 to 25 pallets at a 1000kg weight.  

4)Ease of Operation: The dispensers work alongside pallet trucks and forklifts with ease, which enables hassle free loading and unloading. 

5)Adaptable design:The pallet dispenser comes with some flexible features which includes  safety barriers, overfill sensors, forklift protectors, signal beacons, and guard fences. These features can be customized according to the demands of the workplace.  


The application of pallet masters comes across a wide range of industries. Pallet Master dispensers have applications in diverse industries offering streamlined solutions for multiple industries addressing different operational challenges. 

1)Transit and storage of goods: Enhance the efficiency of storing and handling of the pallet in warehouse distribution centers.

2)Wholesale and Retail: Efficient and fast paced handling of pallets in the bulk retail environment, thereby reducing labour effort and increasing productivity. 

3) Manufacturing and Storage: Systematic manufacturing and storage of the pallets. 

4)Food and beverage: Ensure the efficient handling of food products, thereby preventing possible damage and contamination.

5)Medical supply: Safe and proper storage of medical supplies, ensuring hygiene. 


Product Variants

 Pallet Masters comes in different models that are designed to carry out different operational requirements.

 1.Electric Pallet Dispensers
Functionality: Efficient stacking of the pallets and storing them neatly ensuring that the stacks will not fall off, maintaining a tidy workspace and most importantly reducing work down time.
Power Requirement: 230V power supply.   
Capacity: Can hold and stack up to 20 pallets, EUR and FIN pallet compatible.
2. Pneumatic Pallet Dispensers
 Functionality: Automatically stacks and dispenses pallets by using compressed air. 
Power and Air Requirements: Needs constant compressed air and a 230V power source.
Capacity:  Can hold up to 25 pallets, aligning with the EUR and FINN standard for pallets.   

3. 1–5 Pallet Dispensers
Functionality:  Designed to load and unload up to five pallets at a time. 
Power Requirement:  Electrically powered ,230V supply.
Capacity:  Can hold a range of 16 to 25 pallets. Designed in the EUR  and FINN standard of pallets. 


Pallet Stacker & Dispenser


Pallet Stacker & Dispenser


Pallet Stacker & Dispenser

Pallet Master

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